
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My next 30 years

It happened. I've reached adulthood....though it didn't feel any different than last year's birthday. I've thought a lot about my next 30 years and my past 30 years, trying to decide if I'm happy with them. Some days I think about where I am at and what I'm doing and how frivolous and silly the things I do every day are. Taking pictures, making clothing and hair do dads? How life changing is that? I want to make a difference, you know do something that really counts. There are days I want to quit it all and go looking for a way to make a difference and then it hits me.....I'm doing it everyday. When I raise good, moral children that will go out into this world and hold up the values and beliefs that our country was founded on, I'm making a difference. I can reach out to my neighbors and those in need around me and make a difference. For my next 30 years I want to make a difference in someone's life starting with my children. I want to love more, to live in the moment more, to relish those moments in time when I look into his eyes and the world stops for a few stolen moments, to love the busy times, especially bath another 10 years I'll be looking back on this day with longing. I want no regrets, no wishing time away, only enjoying the moments. They are so fleeting. Time flies. Baby's grow up and leave us. I want to savor this time in my life, my prime, these moments I was born for. I wasn't born to be alone. I was born to be a wife and mother, this is the life I longed for. This is my life and I love every minute of it. In my next 30 years I will see sadness and sorrow there is no denying it but I will also know joy beyond measure and pride in knowing I helped someone. I will make a difference.

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