
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chevy Headband Tutorial

Supplies needed:

2: 5x8" pieces of fabric
1: 1.5x3" piece of fabric
Glue gun/glue sticks

1. With right sides together sew around the rectangle leaving an opening (not shown). After sewing clip corners then turn inside out pulling thru opening.

2. Fold the small piece of fabric in thirds and iron.

3. Now you should have three pieces. All fabric pieces should be ironed.

4. Glue the opening closed.

5. Pinch bow together in the middle.

6. Put a dab of glue on headband and pinch bow to the glue.

7. Take the smaller strip of fabric and glue the center onto the center of the pinched bow.

8. Glue one side of the strip all the way around the side to the back of the bow.

9. Glue the other side around to the back as well but leave a tail.

10. Turn the tail under and glue down.

11. Glue the headband to the bow.


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